Wisdom of God Is that grand attribute of his nature by which he knows and orders all things for the promotion of his glory and the good of his creatures. This appears in all the works of his hands, Psalms 104:24; in the dispensations of his providence, Psalms 1:97-2; in the work of redemption, Ephesians 3:10; in the government and preservation of his church in all ages, Psalms 107:7. This doctrine should teach us admiration, Revelation 1:15-4; trust and confidence, Psalms 9:10; prayer, Proverbs 1:3-6; submission, Hebrews 1:12-29; praise, Psalms 1:103-4.
See Charnock's Works, vol. 1:; Saurin's Sermons, vol. 1: p. 157, Eng. Trans.; Gill's Divinity, vol. 1: p. 93; Abernethey's Sermons, vol. 1: ser. 10; Ray's Wisdom of God in Creation; Paley's Natural Theology.