Anna (Luke 2:36-37). Daughter of Phanuel, of Asher; a widow of 84; a prophetess, i.e. guided by Providence, when the infant Jesus was being presented in the temple, to come in "that instant," and enabled by the Spirit to discern and to announce to others the Messiah, and to render praises accordingly. After seven years of married life she had given up all other concerns to join the women who devoted themselves to a continual attendance at the temple services "night and day"; "a widow indeed" (1 Timothy 5:5). One of "God's own elect, which cry day and night unto Him," looking for the promised redemption "unto which the twelve tribes, instantly serving God day and night, hope to come" (Acts 26:7; contrast Revelation 12:10; Luke 18:7; compare Exodus 38:8). It is remarkable she is the only one of note mentioned in Scripture of the tribe of Asher, though the name means blessedness. A sample of an aged female's waiting faith, as Simeon is of an aged man's.