Balak ("vain, empty, son of Zipper".) Not hereditary king, but imposed on Moab by Sihon. I (See tid=482; HUR (2).) His employment of Balaam to curse Israel was near the close of Israel's journeying. His knowing as to the seer in Mesopotamia would imply a circulation of intelligence, great considering the times. Moab's descent from Lot, originally of Mesopotamia; also the merchant caravans passing across the deserts; also the advanced civilization of Moab in letters, proved by the Moabite stone some centuries later: all make it intelligible. Finding Israel "too mighty" for him (Numbers 22:6), and his hope of prevailing by Balaam's enchantments being disappointed, he let them alone thenceforth. His "warring against Israel" (Joshua 24:9-10) consisted not in "fighting," which is denied in Judges 11:25, but in hiring Balak against them.

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