Day Reckoned from sunset to sunset by the Hebrew. Genesis 1:5; "the evening and the morning were the first day." 2 Corinthians 11:25; "a night and a day." Daniel 8:14 margin. So our fortnight equals fourteen nights. "Evening, morning, and noon" (Psalms 55:17) are the three general divisions. Fuller divisions are: dawn, of which the several stages appear in Christ's resurrection (Mark 16:2; John 20:1; Revelation 22:16, "the bright and morning star" answering to Aijeleth Shahar, "gazelle of the morning," Psalm 22 title; Matthew 28:1; Luke 24:1); sunrise; heat of the day; the two noons (tsaharaim, Hebrew; Genesis 43:16); the cool of the day (Genesis 3:8); evening (divided into early evening and late evening after actual sunset).

Between the two evenings the paschal lamb and the evening sacrifice used to be offered. "Hour" is first mentioned Daniel 3:6; Daniel 3:15; Daniel 5:5. The Jews learned from the Babylonians the division of the day into twelve parts (John 11:9). Ahaz introduced the sun dial from Babylon (Isaiah 38:8). The usual times of prayer were the third, sixth, and ninth hours (Daniel 6:10; Acts 2:15; Acts 3:1). "Give us day by day our daily bread" (Luke 11:3); i.e., bread for the day as it comes (epiousion arton).

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