Fallow Deer Septuagint, Alexandrinus manuscript, boubalos, the Antilope bubalis. Hebrew yachmur, from chamar "red." A clean animal (Deuteronomy 14:5). Used at Solomon's table (1 Kings 4:23). The Cervus dama, of a reddish color (as its name yachmur implies), shedding its horns yearly (Oedmann). Gosse makes it the Addax antelope, a beast of chase represented in the old Egyptian sculptures.
Coarse, and approaching to the bovine race, of reddish head and neck, white across the face, the forehead and throat with black hair, the rest of the body of whitish gray. Smith's Bible Dictionary Append. (as Septuagint), the wild ox (bekker el wash) of N. Africa, the Alkelaphus bubalis, an antelope resembling the calf and the stag, the size of the latter. Sir V. Brooke, however, has decided that a specimen sent him of the Bedouin yahmur, from Carmel, is the Cervus capreolus or ordinary roebuck (Palestine Exploration Quarterly Statement, July, 1876).