Jashobeam David's follower, a "Hachmonite", or rather "son of Hachmoni," i.e. of the family of Hachmon (1 Chronicles 11:11), son of Zabdiel (1 Chronicles 27:2): head of the first monthly course of officers and men (24,000) who waited by turns on the king ((1 Chronicles 27:32).I (See HACHMONITE) He may be the "Korhite" who joined David at Ziklag (1 Chronicles 12:6). In 2 Samuel 23:8 he is called the" Tachmonite that sat in the seat," Josheb basshebeth, a corruption of text for Jashobeam. Also he is here called "chief of the captains" or "the three" (shallishiy), in Chronicles "chief of the thirty" (Hebrew shalishim): 2 Samuel 23:11; 2 Samuel 23:15; 2 Samuel 23:42; 1 Chronicles 12:4. "The thirty" formed the whole body of David's adjutants, "the three" were the king's aides de camp. He slays 300 in Chronicles, where the number may have crept in from 2 Samuel 23:18 in the case of Abishai; 800 is the correct number in Samuel; not all at one blow, but with successive throws of his spear.

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