Jehudijah The Jewess wife of Mered, as distinguished from Bithiah, his Egyptian wife (1 Chronicles 4:17-19). I (See tid=665) Bertheau simply transposes "these are the sons of Bithiah the daughter of Pharaoh whom Mered took," and puts the clause after "Jalon." Thus, "she" refers to Bithiah, "and she bore Miriam," etc.; whereas in the common text "she" has none to refer to. Also thus the sons come regularly after their respective mothers. The margin of 1 Chronicles 4:19 identifies Hodiah with Jehu; but Keil remarks that the construct state, eeshet, before Hodiah, shows it to be a man's name, "the sons of Hodiah's wife" (not of his wife Hodiah), the sister of Naham. Of her sons, Jered was father (founder) of Gedor and Heber father (founder) of Socho, etc. I (See tid=1364; tid=3502)

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