Joppa From yaaphah "to shine," from its sunny look. Now Jaffa. The port of Jerusalem. The fabled scene of Andromeda's exposure to the whale; the legend is a tradition derived from Jonah's history, through the Phoenicians. Situated in Dan, S.W. of Palestine (Joshua 19:46). On a high hill; with a harbour of difficult approach, hence not used much except in going to and from Jerusalem. It was by way of Joppa that Hiram sent to Solomon the timber from Lebanon for the temple; also Cyrus for Zerubbabel's temple (2 Chronicles 2:16; Ezra 3:7). Here Jonah embarked for Cilician Tarsus. Here too on the housetop of Simon the tanner (tradition still points out the house?) Simon the tanner by the seaside, Peter, in full view of the Mediterranean washing the Gentile lands of the W., had his vision teaching that the middle wall separating Jew and Gentile is broken down, and that the gospel is for all nations (Acts 10). I (See tid=3477 THE TANNER)
He had come from the neighbouring Lydda to Joppa to raise Tabitha from death; that became the raising of many to spiritual life (Acts 9:36-42). Thence at Cornelius' call he went to quicken the Gentiles through the word then first preached to them with the Holy Spirit accompanying it. A vast plain surrounded it. Its situation was between Jamnia and Caesarea, which latter town Peter could reach on "the morrow" from leaving Joppa (Acts 10:24). It has now a soap manufacture. The oranges, pomegranates, and water melons are noted. it is one of the oldest cities in the world. Cepheus, its earliest king, may represent Caphtor (Genesis 10:14; Deuteronomy 2:23). It belonged to the Philistines, a Mizraimite colony of Caphtorim. The kindred to the Phoenicians is implied in the name of Cepheus' brother Phineus. It is N. of Askelon, S. of Caesarea, and 36 miles N.W. from Jerusalem.