Mule 1.
Pered. Not mentioned until David's time, when Israel became more familiar with horses (1 Chronicles 12:40; 2 Samuel 13:29; 2 Samuel 18:9). Used for riding only by persons of rank (1 Kings 1:33). As breeding from different species was forbidden (Leviticus 19:19), mules must have been imported. An Egyptian monument from Thebes in British Museum represents them yoked to a chariot. The people of Togarmah (Armenia) brought them to Tyre for barter (Ezekiel 27:14). They were part of the "presents" from "the kings of the earth" to Solomon, "a rate year by year" (2 Chronicles 9:23-24). In these ways they came into Palestine (1 Kings 18:5). In Ezra 2:66; Nehemiah 7:68. the mules on the return from Babylon amounted to 245; but the horses about three times as many, 736; so that the mule was then, as we find in the Greek classics, rarer and more precious.
2.Rechesh is translated "mules," Esther 8:10; Esther 8:14; but in 1 Kings 4:28 "DROMEDARIES" Micah 1:13, "swift beasts." I (See tid=742)
3.Yeemim. Genesis 36:24 translated rather "Anah that found the hot springs," so the Vulgate version; the Samaritan text has "the Emim." Callirrhoe in the wady Zerka Maein is thought to be Anah's hot springs.