Pethor A town of Mesopotamia. Balaam's abode (Numbers 22:5; Deuteronomy 23:4). Head quarters of the Magi, who congregated in particular spots (Strabo 16:1). From paathar "to open" or "reveal." Phathusae (Zosim. 3:14), S. of Circesium, and Bethauna (Ptolemy, 5:18, section 6), corruptions of Pethor, answer to Ahab, meaning the same in Arabic (Anatha, Ammian. Marcell. 24:1, 6); on an island in the river Euphrates, and partly also extending both sides of the river; for ages the seat of an ancient pagan worship; a good center for influencing the Arabs on the E. and the Aramaic tribes W. of the river.

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