Salathiel Greek Shealtiel, Hebrew "I have asked God" (compare 1 Samuel 1:20; 1 Samuel 1:27-28). Son of Jeconias king of Judah, father of Zerobabel according to Matthew 1:12; but son of Neri, and father of Zerobabel according to Luke 3:27; See also 1 Chronicles 3:17-19. No genealogy would assign to a king's true son and heir an inferior parentage, whereas a private person's son would naturally be ranked in the king's pedigree on his becoming rightful heir of the throne, therefore Luke's genealogy must be that of the natural descent, and Salathiel was "son of Neri," descended from Nathan son of David. On Jeconiah's dying childless, as Jeremiah foretold, and Solomon's line thereby failing, Salathiel was heir to David's throne I (See tid=3325)