Salome 1.

Wife of Zebedee; among the "women who followed Jesus from Galilee, ministering unto Him" (Matthew 27:55-56; compare Mark 15:40). Supposed to be the Virgin Mary's sister. (But See on John 19:25 I (See tid=2420) Salome requested for her two rams seats of honour on Christ's right hand and left in His kingdom (Matthew 20:20), and shared with her sons in His rebuke, but was not the less zealous in her attachment to Him. Size was at His crucifixion, "beholding afar off," when even her sons had withdrawn; and at His sepulchre by early dawn (Mark 16:1).


Herodias' daughter by her former husband Herod Philip (Josephus Ant. 18:5, section 4; Matthew 14:6; Mark 6:22). She danced before Herod Antipas, and at her mother's instigation asked for John the Baptist's head. I (See tid=1654 ANTIPAS; JOHN THE BAPTIST Salome married first Philip, tetrarch of Trachonitis, her paternal uncle; then Aristobulus, king of Chalcis.

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