• Ezekiel 23:40

    And furthermore, that ye have sent for men to comeg from far, unto whom a messenger was sent; and, lo, they came: for whom thou didst wash thyself, paintedst thy eyes, and deckedst thyself with ornaments,

  • Ezekiel 23:41

    And satest upon a statelyh bed, and a table prepared before it, whereupon thou hast set mine incense and mine oil.

  • Ezekiel 23:42

    And a voice of a multitude being at ease was with her: and with the men of the common sort were brought Sabeans from the wilderness, which put bracelets upon their hands, and beautiful crowns upon their heads.

  • Ezekiel 23:43

    Then said I unto her that was old in adulteries, Will they now commit whoredomsi with her, and she with them?

  • Ezekiel 23:44

    Yet they went in unto her, as they go in unto a woman that playeth the harlot: so went they in unto Aholah and unto Aholibah, the lewd women.

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