• Judges 1:3

    And Judah said unto Simeon his brother, Come up with me into my lot, that we may fight against the Canaanites; and I likewise will go with thee into thy lot. So Simeon went with him.

  • Judges 1:4

    And Judah went up; and the LORD delivered the Canaanites and the Perizzites into their hand: and they slew of them in Bezek ten thousand men.

  • Judges 1:5

    And they found Adonibezek in Bezek: and they fought against him, and they slew the Canaanites and the Perizzites.

  • Judges 1:6

    But Adonibezek fled; and they pursued after him, and caught him, and cut off his thumbs and his great toes.

  • Judges 1:7

    And Adonibezek said, Threescore and ten kings, having their thumbsa and their great toes cut off, gathered their meat under my table: as I have done, so God hath requited me. And they brought him to Jerusalem, and there he died.

  • Judges 1:8

    Now the children of Judah had fought against Jerusalem, and had taken it, and smitten it with the edge of the sword, and set the city on fire.

  • Judges 1:9

    And afterward the children of Judah went down to fight against the Canaanites, that dwelt in the mountain, and in the south, and in the valley.b

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