• Ruth 1:6

    Then she arose with her daughters in law, that she might return from the country of Moab: for she had heard in the country of Moab how that the LORD had visited his people in giving them bread.

  • Ruth 1:7

    Wherefore she went forth out of the place where she was, and her two daughters in law with her; and they went on the way to return unto the land of Judah.

  • Ruth 1:8

    And Naomi said unto her two daughters in law, Go, return each to her mother's house: the LORD deal kindly with you, as ye have dealt with the dead, and with me.

  • Ruth 1:9

    The LORD grant you that ye may find rest, each of you in the house of her husband. Then she kissed them; and they lifted up their voice, and wept.

  • Ruth 1:10

    And they said unto her, Surely we will return with thee unto thy people.

  • Ruth 1:11

    And Naomi said, Turn again, my daughters: why will ye go with me? are there yet any more sons in my womb, that they may be your husbands?

  • Ruth 1:12

    Turn again, my daughters, go your way; for I am too old to have an husband. If I should say, I have hope, if I should have an husband also to night, and should also bear sons;

  • Ruth 1:13

    Would ye tarryb for them till they were grown? would ye stay for them from having husbands? nay, my daughters; for it grieveth me much for your sakes that the hand of the LORD is gone out against me.

  • Ruth 1:14

    And they lifted up their voice, and wept again: and Orpah kissed her mother in law; but Ruth clave unto her.

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