Juan 21 - Introducción

El epílogo o apéndice Este Epílogo hasta cierto punto equilibra el Prólogo, el cuerpo principal del Evangelio en dos grandes divisiones que se encuentran entre ellos; pero con esta diferencia, que el Prólogo es parte del plan original del Evangelio, mientras que el Epílogo no lo es. Es evidente que... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Juan 21:1

La Manifestación a los Siete y la Corriente Milagrosa de los Peces 1 . _Después de estas cosas_ Esta vaga expresión (ver com. Juan 5:1 ; Juan 6:1 ; Juan 19:38 ) conviene a una idea tardía que no tiene conexión directa con lo que precede inmediatamente. _se mostró_ Mejor, _se _MANIFESTÓ . La traducc... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Juan 21:2

_Estaban juntos_ Probablemente los siete eran del barrio; sabemos esto de cuatro de ellos. _Tomás_ Ver com. Juan 11:16 ; Juan 14:5 ; Juan 20:24 . Todos los detalles sobre él están dados por S. John [4]. _Natanael_ Ver com. Juan 1:45 : la adición descriptiva "de Caná de Galilea" aparece aquí solame... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Juan 21:3

_Simon Peter_ As so often, he takes the lead. In the interval of waiting for definite instructions the disciples have returned to their usual employment. Once more we have precise and vivid details, as of an eye-witness. _We also go_ Rather, _we also_ COME. _went forth_ From the town or village, p... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Juan 21:4

_morning was now come_ The better reading gives, DAWN _was now_ BREAKING. _stood on the shore_ Literally, _stood_ ON TO _the_ BEACH, i.e. He came and stood on the beach. _but_ NEVERTHELESS, or HOWBEIT (_mentoi_, a particle rare in N.T. outside this Gospel); implying that this was surprising. Comp.... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Juan 21:5

_Then Jesus Jesus_ THEREFORE; because they did not recognise Him. _Children_ Perhaps a mere term of friendly address (_paidia_); not the affectionate term used Juan 13:33 (_teknia_). _Paidia_occurs 1Jn 2:14; 1 Juan 2:18; _teknia_occurs 1Jn 2:1; 1 Juan 2:12; 1Jn 2:28; 1 Juan 3:7; 1Jn 3:18; 1 Juan 4:... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Juan 21:6

_They cast therefore_ Perhaps they thought the stranger saw fish on the right side. Fish are at times seen "in dense masses" in the lake.... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Juan 21:7

_Therefore that disciple_ The characteristics of the two Apostles are again most delicately yet clearly given (comp. Juan 20:2-9). S. John is the first to apprehend; S. Peter the first to act [9]. _Now when Simon Peter heard Simon Peter_ THEREFORE HAVING _heard_. _fisher's coat_ The Greek word (_e... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Juan 21:8

_in a little ship_ Rather, _in_ THE BOAT, whether -the ship" of Juan 21:3 or a smaller boat attached to it, we cannot determine. _two hundred cubits_ About 100 yards.... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Juan 21:9

_As soon as … they saw_ Better, WHEN THEREFORE … _they_ SEE. _a fire of coals_ See on Juan 18:18: the word occurs only there and here in N.T. [10]. -There" is literally LAID. _fish laid thereon, and bread_ Or possibly, A _fish laid thereon and_ A LOAF. But the singulars may be collectives as in th... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Juan 21:11

_went up_ Better, with the best texts, _went up_ THEREFORE: the meaning probably is -went on board" the vessel, now in shallow water. The details in this verse are strong evidence of the writer having been an eye-witness: he had helped to count these -great fishes" and gives the number, not because... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Juan 21:12

_Come and dine_ The meal indicated is not the principal meal of the day (_deipnon_) which was taken in the afternoon, but the morning meal (_ariston_) or BREAKFAST. See on Lucas 11:37. _And none_ Omit -and." There is a solemn simplicity in the narrative. The sentences from Juan 21:10 to Juan 21:14... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Juan 21:13

_Jesus then cometh_ Omit -then." They are afraid to approach, so He comes to them. -Bread" and -fish" are in the singular, as in Juan 21:9, but with the definite article, which points back to Juan 21:9; - _the_bread" and - _the_fish" which had been mentioned before. Of course this is not the fish th... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Juan 21:14

_This is now the third time_ We have a similar construction 2 Pedro 3:1. The two previous manifestations are probably those related Juan 20:19-23; Juan 20:26-29: but we have not sufficient knowledge to arrange the different appearances in chronological order. See on Lucas 24:49. _shewed himself_ MA... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Juan 21:15

The Commission to S. Peter and Prediction as to his death 15. _dined_ See on Juan 21:12. _saith to Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jonas_ For -Jonas" read John here and in Juan 21:16, as in Juan 1:42. Note that the writer himself calls him Simon Peter, but represents the Lord as calling him -Simon son... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Juan 21:16

_¿Me amas? _Jesús deja caer el "más que estos", que el Apóstol humillado se había negado a responder, pero retiene Su propia palabra por "amor". San Pedro responde exactamente como antes. _Apacienta mis ovejas_ Mejor, APACIENTA , o _pastorea, Mis ovejas_ . La palabra traducida -alimentar" en Juan 21... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Juan 21:17

_la tercera vez_ había negado tres veces, y tres veces debía afirmar su amor. Esta vez Jesús hace una concesión más: no sólo deja de exhortar a los "más que éstos", sino que adopta la propia palabra de San Pedro, _philein_ . El Apóstol había rechazado el estandarte de Cristo y tomado uno propio, sob... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Juan 21:18

_En verdad, en verdad_ Esta peculiaridad del Evangelio de S. Juan (ver com. Juan 1:51 ) se conserva en el apéndice [13]. _era joven_ Literalmente, _era _MÁS JOVEN de lo que eres ahora. Ahora estaba entre la juventud y la vejez. _extiende tus manos_ para pedir ayuda. _te ceñiré_ como a un criminal... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Juan 21:18,19

This high charge will involve suffering and even death. In spite of his boastfulness and consequent fall the honour which he once too rashly claimed (Juan 13:37) will after all be granted to him.... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Juan 21:19

_This spake he_ NOW this He spake. _signifying by what death Signifying by_ WHAT MANNER OF _death_. This comment is quite in S. John's style (comp. Juan 12:33; Juan 18:32) [14]. It will depend on the interpretation of Juan 21:18 whether we understand this to mean crucifixion or simply martyrdom. T... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Juan 21:20

The Misunderstood Saying respecting the Evangelist 20. _Peter, turning about, seeth_ Omit -then." The graphic details are those of an eyewitness. _leaned_ Better, _leaned_ BACK. The allusion is to the momentary change of posture (Juan 13:25) in order to ask who was the traitor, not to the position... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Juan 21:21

_Peter seeing him Peter_ THEREFORE _seeing him_. Once more we see the intimacy between these two Apostles. When S. Peter is told to follow, S. John does so also unbidden; and S. Peter having received his own commission asks about that of his friend. Comp. Juan 18:15; Juan 20:1 [15]. _and what shall... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Juan 21:22

_If I will_ Christ died and rose again that He might become the Lord and Master both of the dead and the living (Romanos 14:9). He speaks here in full consciousness of this sovereignty. For the use of -I will" by Christ comp. Juan 17:24; Mateo 8:3 and parallels, Mateo 26:39. While the -I will" asser... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Juan 21:23

_Then went this saying This saying_ THEREFORE _went_. _abroad among_ Literally, _forth unto:_comp. Mateo 9:26; Marco 1:28; Romanos 10:8. _the brethren_ This phrase, common in the Acts (Juan 9:30; Juan 11:1; Juan 11:29; Juan 15:1; Juan 15:3;... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Juan 21:24

_which testifieth_ Better, _which_ BEARETH WITNESS. Whether -these things" refers to the whole Gospel, or only to the contents of chap. 21 cannot be determined. _wrote_ Note the change from present to aorist. The witness still continues at the present time; the writing took place once for all in th... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Juan 21:24,25

Concluding Notes Again the question of authorship confronts us. Are these last two verses by the writer of the rest of the chapter? Are they both by the same hand? The _external_evidence, as in the case of the preceding verses, is in favour of their being both by the same hand, and that the writer... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Juan 21:25

_every one_ Literally, ONE BY ONE. _I suppose_ The Greek word (_oimai_) occurs nowhere else in N.T. excepting Filipenses 1:17; Santiago 1:7. The use of the first person singular is very unlike S. John. If this verse is an addition by an unknown hand it appears to be almost contemporary. The wordin... [ Seguir leyendo ]

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