THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS LIKE THE OWNER. This is a parable to teach
plainly what Jesus has just said in the last few verses of _chapter
19._ The owner is God. The vineyard is the Kingdom of Christ, which
here includes the world (Mateo 13:38). [The people of the Kingdom work
in the world to recruit n... [ Seguir leyendo ]
AND SENT THEM TO WORK. This was just at sunrise about 6 A.M. A "silver
coin" was the normal wage, and would buy as much in proportion as a
day's wage now.... [ Seguir leyendo ]
SALIÓ DE NUEVO. A LAS NUEVE. Y contrató a más trabajadores,
prometiéndoles un salario justo.... [ Seguir leyendo ]
trabajadores. ERAN CASI LAS CINCO. El propietario visita la plaza del
mercado por última vez [solo falta una hora para la puesta del sol].
¿POR QUÉ ESTÁS PERDIENDO TODO EL DÍA? Nadie les pagaría por sus
horas perdidas.... [ Seguir leyendo ]
trabajando porque nadie les pidió que lo hicieran. Esto no es lo
mismo que el que se negó a trabajar. Asegúrese de notar también que
todavía tienen una hora para trabajar antes de que se ponga el sol.... [ Seguir leyendo ]
THE OWNER TOLD HIS FOREMAN. To pay each the wage he was to receive for
his work in the vineyard. [The order of payment is only to allow the
first hired to see what was paid to the last hired.]... [ Seguir leyendo ]
WERE PAID A SILVER COIN EACH. They received what they were guaranteed,
but they thought they should get more because they worked harder.
(Compare the older brother, Lucas 15:28-31.)... [ Seguir leyendo ]
LISTEN FRIEND. The owner had not cheated them at all. They had no
reason to complain. If the owner wanted to be generous, that was his
privilege. The central idea taught in this parable is that the workers
in the Kingdom of heaven will all receive the same reward (Eternal
Life) even though they work... [ Seguir leyendo ]
Y JESÚS CONCLUYÓ. El primero - último; y el último - primero.
Aquí, esto enseña que los judíos, que fueron los primeros en ser
llamados por Dios, no recibirían más que los gentiles, que fueron
los últimos en ser llamados. Los primeros que entraron en el Reino de
los cielos fueron los judíos ( Hechos... [ Seguir leyendo ]
HABLÉ CON ELLOS EN PRIVADO. Durante los seis meses desde la
declaración de Pedro en Cesarea de Filipo ( Mateo 16:16 ), Jesús
había estado preparando a sus seguidores para su muerte.... [ Seguir leyendo ]
WE ARE GOING UP TO JERUSALEM. Jesus is going to fulfill God's Plan by
dying on the Cross (Lucas 9:31). Jesus gives a detailed prophecy here.
(1) Handed over or betrayed by Judas. (2) Condemned to death. (3)
Handed over to the Gentiles (Roman soldiers). (4) Make fun of him
(mock). (5) Whip hi... [ Seguir leyendo ]
THEN THE MOTHER OF ZEBEDEE'S SONS. Salome, mother of James and John,
who was probably a sister of the mother of Jesus. [_See note on_ Juan
19:25.]... [ Seguir leyendo ]
PROMISE THAT THESE TWO SONS OF MINE. Mark tells us they asked a favor
before they told what it was. They ask through their mother, Note they
still looked for him to be an earthly King, even though he has just
detailed his death to them. To sit at a King's right and left was to
be in a very high posi... [ Seguir leyendo ]
YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE ASKING FOR. In less than a month they
would see two criminals at the right and left of his Cross (Mateo
27:38). CAN YOU DRINK THE CUP? That is: Can you share the suffering I
am about to experience? "WE CAN," THEY ANSWERED. They thought they
were able, not knowing what the... [ Seguir leyendo ]
YOU WILL INDEED. Not just now, but later, they would experience much
suffering; both during their ministry, and in their death. All the
apostles died violently, except John. BUT I DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT. He
could not act on the basis of their worldly ambitions. FOR WHOM MY
FATHER. It is the Father's... [ Seguir leyendo ]
WHEN THE OTHER TEN DISCIPLES. By doing this, they showed the same
worldly attitude the brothers had shown. We often condemn others for
the very things we do ourselves.... [ Seguir leyendo ]
SO JESUS CALLED THEM. They had not showed their anger to Jesus. YOU
KNOW. To show them the difference between his Kingdom and the kingdoms
of the world, he points out what they already know. The rulers and
leaders of government domineer their people.... [ Seguir leyendo ]
THIS. IS NOT THE WAY. In Christ's Kingdom, things were to be
different. HE MUST BE THE SERVANT OF THE REST. Greatness in Christ's
Kingdom does not come through domineering others, but by love and
service.... [ Seguir leyendo ]
HE MUST BE YOUR SLAVE. This is how to be first. In the Kingdom/church,
greatness comes through loving others, not through giving them orders.... [ Seguir leyendo ]
LIKE THE SON OF MAN. Jesus did have the right to order people around.
Yet he did not do this. He came to serve others. His greatest act was
to give his life to redeem many people. "Many" in Jewish usage means
"all" that is, all who will reach out to seize his salvation.... [ Seguir leyendo ]
A LARGE CROWD FOLLOWED JESUS. Mark's gospel explains the seeming
contradiction between Luke and Matthew. Jesus was ahead of the crowd;
went on into Jericho; the noise of the crowd disturbed the blind men
[Mark and Luke tell only of Bartimaeus and say nothing of the other
man]; and as Jesus is leavin... [ Seguir leyendo ]
DOS CIEGOS. Bartimeo probablemente era muy conocido por la gente.
¡HIJO DE DAVID! Esto era llamar a Jesús el Mesías, y era una
declaración de su fe.... [ Seguir leyendo ]
LA MULTITUD LOS REGAÑÓ. Por interrumpir. Posiblemente a algunos no
les gustó oír que Jesús fuera llamado el Hijo de David [Mesías]; y
otros, esperando que Jesús fuera coronado como Rey de Israel cuando
llegaran a Jerusalén, pensaron que no debería perder el tiempo con
los mendigos ciegos.... [ Seguir leyendo ]
JESÚS SE DETUVO. Tomó tiempo para todos, incluso para un mendigo
ciego. ¿QUÉ QUIERES? Esta es una oferta para satisfacer su
necesidad.... [ Seguir leyendo ]
QUEREMOS QUE NOS ABRAS LOS OJOS. ¡Su gran necesidad era poder ver!
(Compárese Juan 9:35-41 .)... [ Seguir leyendo ]
JESÚS TUVO PIEDAD DE ELLOS. ¡Dios Hijo da misericordia a los
mendigos ciegos! Note su fe: (1) preguntó acerca de Jesús; (2)
comenzó a gritar; (3) declaró que él era el Hijo de David
[Mesías]: (4) pidió misericordia; (5) siguió gritando, aún más
fuerte; (6) se levantó de un salto y se acercó a Jesús... [ Seguir leyendo ]