Using the knowledge brought by subsequent events John explains that Judas was meant, ἔλεγε δὲ τὸν Ἰούδαν Σίμωνος Ἰσκαριώτην [better Ἰσκαριώτου, which shows that the father of Judas was also known as Iscariot], ἔλεγε with the accusative, meaning “He spoke of,” es clásico, y ver Marco 14:71 .

Generalmente se supone que la palabra “Iscariote” es equivalente a אִישׁ קְרִיּו ̇ ת, Ish Keriyoth, un hombre de Kerioth en la tribu de Judá ( Josué 15:25 ). Cf. Ishtob, un hombre de Tob (Joseph., Ant. , vii. 6, 1, citado en Smith's Dict. ). El nombre Judas ahora no necesita apellido añadido.

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