Let not despise them

(μη καταφρονειτωσαν). Negative imperative active third plural of καταφρονεω, to think down on. See 1 Timoteo 4:12. He must not presume on the equality of Christian brotherhood not allowed by the state's laws. Some of these Christian slaves might be pastors of churches to which the master belonged.

For the difficulty of the Christian master's position, see 1 Corintios 7:22; Filemón 1:16.But rather

(αλλα μαλλον). Render the Christian Master better service.They that partake of the benefit

(ο της ενεργεσιας αντιλαμβανομενο). For ευεργεσιας (genitive case after participle) see Hechos 4:9, only other N.T. example of this old word. Present middle participle of αντιλαμβανω, old verb, to take in turn, to lay fast hold of, in N.T. only here, Lucas 1:54; Hechos 20:35.

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