hombres. Hebreo, plural de 'Enós. Aplicación-14.

transgredido. Hebreo. bajá'. Aplicación-44.

their worm. Quoted in Marco 9:44. Referred by our Lord to Gehenna, of which the fires in the valley of Hinnom were an illustration. Hebrew. tola', the maggot bred from putrid substances. See Éxodo 16:20; Deuteronomio 28:39; Job 25:6 (second word). Salmo 22:6. Psa 14:11 (second word); Isaías 41:14; Isaías 66:24. and Jonás 4:7, which are all the occurrences of tola' in O.T. In the synagogue use, Isaías 66:23 is repeated after Isaías 66:24, so that the book may end with comfort. Compare end of Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, and Malachi.

un aborrecible. El hebreo aparece solo aquí.

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