L'illustrateur biblique
Actes 15:28-31
For it seemed good unto the Holy Ghost and to us.
The Holy Spirit and the Church
Here we have--
I. The spirit guiding the church.
1. This was in accordance with the Saviour’s promise.
2. This was demonstrated by the previous history. Pentecost; the mission of Philip to Samaria, and to the Eunuch; that of Peter to Cornelius; that of the disciples to Antioch, and that of Paul and Barnabas to Cyprus and Asia Minor. With each of these the work of the Spirit was directly connected, and each pointed to the widening of the Church’s boundaries so as to embrace the Gentiles.
3. This is guaranteed still, and may be detected.
(1) In the evangelistic impulses of the Church.
(2) In the doors of opportunity opening to the Church--the second invariably following the first.
II. The spirit’s guidance acknowledged by the church. “It seemed good,” etc.
1. “And to us” is not an assumption of co-ordinate authority, for the Church is a creature and servant of the Spirit. It simply means acquiescence in the decision of the Spirit as indicated by recent events and no doubt by special inspiration.
2. “And to us” gives weight to the Spirit’s decision, inasmuch as--
(1) Part of the Church had been opposed to what was now clearly the mind of the Spirit.
(2) Part of the Church had known the Spirit’s mind, but had taken no further steps.
(3) Part of the Church had fully acted in the disclosures of the mind of the Spirit.
So the divided Church was now united upon the only true basis of union. This is a lesson to the Church in all ages. When men, in spite of early training, prejudice, etc., give themselves to the work of God, what a mighty testimony to the Spirit’s guidance.
III. The spirit’s guidance seen in the decision of the church.
1. In the liberality of its sentiment, “Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty.”
2. In its sanctified common sense. Certain things were “necessary” in order that Jews and Gentiles might work together. (J. W. Burn.)
The upshot of the first ecclesiastical assembly a triumph of the Holy Ghost
1. As a Spirit of freedom over the yoke of external ordinances.
2. As a Spirit of faith over the illusions of our own wisdom and righteousness.
3. As a Spirit of love over pride, obstinacy, and narrow-mindedness. (K. Gerok.)
The first principles of Church life and action
1. In things necessary, unity (Actes 15:11).
2. In things doubtful, liberty (Actes 15:19).
3. In all things, charity (Actes 15:7; Actes 15:11; Actes 15:20). (Irenaeus.)