L'illustrateur biblique
Actes 3:8
And he leaping up stood.
The healed man’s activity and gratitude
The evangelist describes minutely the actions of the lame man as soon as he began to believe that he was healed. First he leaped forth, releasing himself from the hold of Peter, or leaped up, as if trying the strength of his muscle; then he stood on his feet for the first time in his life, and walked around, to see whether the same power of walking belonged to him which all that were about had. But the pen of the writer, not content with this, adds graphically, “And he entered with them,” unwilling to be separated from the instruments of his cure, “into the temple,” practising his newly acquired powers without the ability to restrain himself, now walking, now leaping, and all the while praising God. “Then did the lame man leap as an hart.” He was of another kind from the nine lepers, who never looked back to give thanks to the Lord Jesus. (Pres. Woolsey.)
Practical gratitude
They who have witnessed our frailties should also attest our conversion and gratitude. Our gratitude is false and of no avail unless accompanied with newness of life; and this cannot endure long if our thankful sense of the grace to which we owe our deliverance declines. (Quesnel.)
The responsibilities of the saved
Sin has reduced the ,soul to a state of impotence. It has not destroyed the soul’s powers, but only disabled them. When a man is saved, therefore, his crippled powers are straightened and strengthened, and his new vocation is to use them.
I. What faculties are crippled by sin and restored by Christ?
1. Faith. This exists in every soul, but is dormant or perverted. Christ straightens it out and empowers it as an eye to see, a hand to grasp Him and heavenly things.
2. Love. No man is destitute of this: but it is wrenched away from its highest Object, who is its true life, and rests upon unworthy objects often, on secondary objects at best whom it cannot love fully, because unrecruited by the love of God. “We love (R.V.) because He first loved us.” Salvation largely consists in the conversion of the heart, the turning of all the affections to Christ, by whom they are invigorated and sanctified, and made to flow in worthy channels.
3. The will. Paul has given us a graphic picture of what that is in the natural man (Romains 7:1.) and what Christ makes it (Romains 8:1. and his own life).
4. The active powers. These again are paralysed for all spiritual purposes, but energetic enough in the cause of evil--the tongue: how silent for God, how glib for self or for folly or sin! the hands, how idle for God, how active in other causes! Christ restores these to their true uses, and consecrates them to the service of God.
II. The restored faculties must be employed. Otherwise they will fall into their old decrepitude. Had the lame man returned to his haunt, and neglected to use his limbs, those limbs would soon have become helpless once more. To neglect faith, love, resolution and work for God is to forfeit them. The action of the healed man may illustrate the manner in which our restored faculties are to be employed.
1. With alacrity, “leaping up.”
2. Progressively, “walked.”
3. In union with the Church, “entered with them into the temple.”
4. Thankfully, “praising God.” (J. W. Burn.)
Praise breaking forth
Wherever God’s grace is discerned, and His love is welcomed, there praise breaks forth, as surely as streams pour from the cave of the glacier when the sun of summer melts it, or earth answers the touch of spring with flowers. (A. Maclaren.)
The gate Beautiful
I. The close proximity of physical deformity to natural beauty.
II. The strange association of spiritual riches with temporal poverty.
III. The scribes transformation of popular indifference into abounding amazement. The gospel had been applied, put to the test, and had succeeded in a superhuman manner.
1. It had come into positive contact with poverty and suffering.
2. It had exalted the whole nature of the man.
3. It had set the man on a new course of life. (F. W. Brown.)
A Christian man ought to be like a horse that has bells on his head, so that he cannot go anywhere without ringing them and making a noise. His whole life should be a psalm, every step should be in harmony, every thought should constitute a note, every word he utters should be a component part of the joyful psalm. It is a blessed thing to see a Christian going about his business like the high-priest of old, who wherever he went made music with the golden bells. (C. H. Spurgeon.)
Thankfulness exceptional
It is said of a lately deceased benefactor of a Western college in the United States that, on a recent commencement day, a lady stepped up to him and said, “Governor Hardin, I wish to thank you for this splendid college, and to say that my daughters, who graduate to-day, owe you a debt of gratitude they can never repay.” The white-haired old man broke down, and, while the tears filled his eyes, he faltered out, “Madam, you are the first person to express such a sentiment to me.” How many men who secure scholarships and fellowships, or receive other benefactions, ever think of or thank the generous givers?
Thanksgiving expressed
“When a boy,” said a prominent member of a church, “I was much helped by Bishop Hamline, who visited at a house where I was. Taking me aside, the Bishop said, ‘When in trouble, my boy, kneel down and ask God’s help; but never climb over the fence into the devil’s ground and then kneel down and ask help. Pray from God’s side of the fence.’” “Of that,” said he, “I have thought every day of my life since.” Continuing, he remarked, “Sanford Cobb, the missionary to Persia, helped me in another way. Said he, ‘Do you ever feel thankful when God blesses you?’ ‘Always.’ ‘Did you ever tell Him so?’ ‘Well, I don’t know that I have.’ ‘Well, try it, my young friend, try it, try it. Tell Him so; tell Him aloud; tell Him so that you are sure you will hear it yourself.’ That was a new revelation. I found that I had been only glad, not grateful. I have been telling Him with grateful feelings ever since, to my soul’s help and comfort.’’