L'illustrateur biblique
Éphésiens 5:13
But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light.
The light of Christianity reproving the world
In the text we have--
1. An assertion--“But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light.”
2. The proof of it--“For whatsoever doth make manifest is light.”
1. An assertion or proposition, where two things are to be considered.
(1) Something supposed; that the doctrine of Christianity is the true light or test by which things are to be judged. The way of heathenism being compared with it showeth this is light--“Thy word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path” (Psaume 119:105; so Proverbes 6:23; Proverbes 15:31).
(2) That which is asserted is, that all things which are reproved and disallowed are made manifest by the light. The light discovereth itself, and all things that differ from it; that which discovereth truth doth also discover error and falsehood; that which manifests what is right doth also manifest what is wrong.
2. The proof is taken from the common nature of all light, natural and sensible, or spiritual and intellectual--“Whatever doth make manifest is light.” Natural light maketh manifest things proper to it; so doth spiritual light things that belong to its sphere, things morally good or evil. That the light of Christianity, shining forth in the Word of God and the lives and actions of Christians, is a great means of reproving and convincing the world. That this light shineth forth both in their words and deeds.
(1) The doctrine which they profess, hold fast, and adhere to. There is a light in God’s Word which doth not only show the right way to everlasting life and true happiness, but disproves any contrary course.
(2) Holiness of life. Light hath its power as it is held forth in our words, but much more as it shineth in our lives for the illumination and conviction of the world (Matthieu 5:16).
3. This then is that which we are to make conscience of, that our light may be a reproving light to the wicked and carnal world; and that for these reasons--
(1) Because of our many and great obligations.
(2) Because of the many benefits which come thereby.
It informeth us of divers truths.
1. That though by the light of nature we have some sense of the turpitude of sin, yet we have not a perfect knowledge of it; the light of Christianity giveth us that.
2. It informeth us that some general sense of the shamefulness of sin will not break the power and force of it. To persuade us to get light. It is a shame to be ignorant of our necessary duty. If a man be asked whether he can paint or carve, he may answer without shame, I am ignorant; that skill is not necessary; but if he be ignorant how to love and please and serve God, then he is brutish, like the horse or mule, that hath no understanding. (T. Manton, D. D.)
Light reproves sin
A colonial governor of the Bahamas, who was about to return to England, offered to use his good offices to procure from the Home Government any favour the colonists might desire. The unanimous reply was as startling as the demand for the head of John the Baptist in a charger: “Tell them to tear down the lighthouses; they are ruining the prosperity of this colony.” (The people were wreckers.) (W. C. Church.)