L'illustrateur biblique
Éphésiens 5:30
For we are members of His body, of His flesh, and of His bones.
Membership in Christ’s body
I. The nature of membership with the body of Christ.
1. Members of the Church of Christ are such nominally and professedly. The Church is a visible organization--“a city set on a hill, which cannot be hid”--“the light of the world,” which must shine wherever it exists. Membership in Christ’s body supposes that we have been baptized, and are in the habit of receiving holy communion; also that we obey the laws, regulations, and discipline which have been made for the orderly government of the Church.
2. To be a member of the body of Christ implies that we are such spiritually and sincerely--in the homage of our minds, the devotion of our lives, and the affections of our hearts.
3. To be a member of the body of Christ implies pardon and regeneration.
II. The importance of becoming members of the body of Christ.
1. Membership with the visible Church of Christ is necessary in order to the existence and perpetuity of the Christian Church. A Church naturally supposes members, just as the whole supposes parts; there must be members, or there can be no Church.
2. Membership with the visible Church of Christ is necessary in order to a right understanding of some very important passages in the Word of God. The Bible knows nothing of solitary religion.
3. Membership with the body of Christ is necessary in order to the full and entire performance of one’s religious duties.
(1) Sympathy.
(2) Mutual edification.
4. Membership with the body of Christ is necessary as it may help to assist us against our spiritual enemies.
5. Membership with the body of Christ is necessary to give some proof of our attachment to Jesus Christ and His cause.
6. Membership with the body of Christ is necessary if you consider the spiritual benefits to be derived from it. (P. Cooper.)
Members of Christ’s body
I. The doctrine. A difficult subject, liable to misrepresentation and abuse.
1. The apostle is speaking of believers only.
2. We must put away all sensual and carnal ideas from the consideration of this subject. It is a spiritual union that is here spoken of.
3. We must put away from the consideration of this subject all narrow-mindedness and bigotry. Now let us notice that the text conveys to us three ideas, as characteristic of the relation in which the Church stands to the Redeemer, viz.,
(1) Union;
(2) Dependence;
(3) Sympathy.
II. Duties resulting from this relation.
1. Love.
2. Reverence.
3. Obedience. (Dr. Raffles.)