L'illustrateur biblique
Éphésiens 5:31
For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.
Husbands and wives
Marriage is the most dignified, honourable, and helpful relationship into which we can enter.
1. It is a relationship of mutual sympathy.
2. It is a relationship of mutual sacredness. There is no authority which can constrain into marriage, and there is none which of itself can dissolve the tie.
3. It is a relationship of mutual honour.
4. It is a relationship of mutual responsibility. (W. Braden.)
The mystery of marriage
I. The counsel that God had about Adam’s marriage with Eve.
1. The Lord made Adam before He thought of a wife for him.
2. Among all the created things God could not find a help meet for Adam.
3. God, in blessing Adam, blessed her afterwards to be made.
II. The creation of the woman out of the man.
III. The marriage itself.
1. God brought the woman to Adam.
2. When brought, he consented and owned her.
IV. The consequence of Adam’s marriage.
1. A union.
2. A rule for all time--that the wife cleave to her husband. (T. Goodwin, D. D.)
Qualities of a good wife
An old author says, “A good wife should be like three things, which three things she should not be like.
1. She should be like a snail, to keep within her own house; but she should not be like the snail, to carry all she has upon her back.
2. She should be like an echo, to speak when spoken to; but she should not be like an echo, always to have the last word.
3. She should be like a town clock, always to keep time and regularity; but she should not be like a town clock, speak so loud that all the town may hear her.”