L'illustrateur biblique
Galates 6:12
As many as desire to make a fair show in the flesh, they constrain you to be circumcised; only lest they should suffer persecution for the cross of Christ.
The history and odium of Christ’s Cross
The Cross of Christ demands notice, calls for Christian feeling, sets before us a glorious object of contemplation.
I. the Cross of Christ in the history connected with it. A very affecting and astonishing history; the very angels bestow on it their attention and admiration.
1. A history of suffering;
(1) on the part of the Master;
(2) on the part of every true disciple.
2. A history of sin.
II. The odium connected with the Cross. If any man will live godly in Christ Jesus, leading a holy life, manifesting and setting forth Christian principle instead of depending on morality, avowing his conviction that there is no salvation but in the Cross of Christ--then shalt reproach, if not persecution fall upon him--hatred, ill-will, sarcasm, wit, ridicule, obloquy. (T. Mortimer, B. D.)
The impossibility of a divided service
The difficulties of the Church and the Christian life are much the same in all ages. Clothed in different forms, they embody the same spirit. The text speaks of those who seek to please God and the world at the same time; to secure for themselves the safety which Christ offers, without losing the ease and social comfort which they imagine to to be found in the world.
1. This is a temptation from which none are wholly free. When in the society of careless persons, how hard to maintain a high standard of life and conversation! How difficult to see where the line between what is and what is not consistent with a Christian’s position is to be drawn! How easy to let slip the opportunity of speaking for the right. How impossible to recover it when let slip! How easy to assent to the low tone around us; how hard to have to appear disagreeable if we feel compelled to protest against it!
2. To yield to this temptation is the symptom of a half-conversion. If any man is in Christ Jesus, he is a new creature. Where is the new creature in us, if we so easily forget Him, and fail to confess Him?
3. Consider how cowardly and cruel it is to allow Him to be insulted without a word spoken in His defence. Could we sit still and hear a friend abused, his dearest wishes ridiculed? Is not the least sin a direct insult to Jesus? Has He not entrusted His honour to our keeping? Are we not members of a thorn-crowned head? Shall we, then, leave Him to suffer alone?
4. Consider the harm which such an apparent acquiescence in evil may do to others.
5. The attempt to serve God and mammon will fail. Sooner or later the choice between the two must be made. The longer we delay choosing for God the more difficult we shall find it to do so even when we would.
6. How to meet the temptation. In the power of Christ all temptation maybe vanquished. In Him you are a new creature. (Canon Vernon Hutton.)
What multitudes of mahogany-handled drawers there are to be met with in daily life, labelled in black on a gold ground, with swelling and mysterious names of precious healing drugs; but alas! they are handles which do not pull out, or drawers that are full of nothing. What myriads of empty bottles make up yonder “enormous stock” in the universal emporium so largely advertised! What a noble army of canisters filled with air stand marshalled in shining ranks, as if they were fresh from China, and brimming with the fragrant leaf! Now in mere business such things may answer well enough; but bring them into your moral dealings, and you shall soon become contemptible. One smiles at the busy tradesman arranging the shams in his window, but we are indignant with men who exhibit unreal virtues and excellences; he thinks that he makes a fair show in the flesh, but when we have found him out once, even what may be genuine in him is subjected to suspicion, and the man’s honour is hopelessly gone. (C. H. Spurgeon.)
Persecution a benefit to the Church
The cold water of persecution is often thrown on the Church’s face to fetch her to herself when she is in a swoon of indolence or pride. (C. H. Spurgeon.)
Persecution not to be feared
Do not fear the frown of the world. When a blind man comes against you in the street you are not angry at him; you say, “He is blind, poor man, or he would not have hurt me.” So you may say of the poor worldlings when they speak evil of Christians--they are blind. (McCheyne.)
The exposure of the tactics of the Judaizers
I. Their dogmatic attitude.
II. Their urgent zeal.
III. The true motive of their conduct.
1. Their conduct was cowardly.
2. Hypocritical.
3. Self-interested.
IV. It was just and necessary that the apostle should expose a policy so mean, so mercenary, so insincere. (Prof. Crosskery.)