L'illustrateur biblique
Romains 14:19,20
Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace.
Things which make for peace
I. What these things are.
1. Righteousness.
2. Humility.
3. Love.
4. Faith.
II. We must follow them.
1. Earnestly.
2. Prayerfully.
3. With steady faith in our ultimate attainment of them.
III. The result. Eternal life in heaven with God and Christ. (J. H. Tarson.)
The things which make for peace
1. A peaceable temper.
2. Peaceable measures.
3. Peaceable methods.
Things to be sought after
I. Things which make for peace.
1. Essentials in which we all agree.
2. Objects which we all desire.
3. Blessings in which all can share.
II. Things that edify.
1. Knowledge.
2. Faith.
3. Love. (J. Lyth, D.D.)
The endeavours of the true Christian for the welfare of his brethren
I. Wherein they consist. Endeavours after--
1. Peace.
2. Edification.
II. What are the common hindrances? Offences which--
1. Destroy mutual confidence.
2. Injure weak consciences.
III. How are they to be overcome.
1. By avoiding the occasions of offence.
2. By encouraging in others the growth of faith.
3. By abstaining from everything that might lead another to act in opposition to his own conscience. (J. Lyth, D.D.)
For meat destroy not the work of God.--
Thy weak brother
I. Weak as he is, is a work of god.
II. May easily be destroyed; for--
1. Though all things are pure--
2. They may become a cause of offence--
3. Especially to him that is weak.
III. Therefore abstain.
1. The enjoyment is little.
2. The consequence dreadful to contemplate.
3. The sacrifice noble. (J. Lyth, D.D.)