Craignant ] anxieusement soucieux de ne pas répudier leur profession chrétienne.

12-20. L'Apôtre appelle ses lecteurs à revenir à leur ancienne allégeance à l'Évangile.

Paraphrase. '(12) I plead with you to come to my point of view, even as I in renouncing slavery to the Law, have become as a Gentile to you Gentiles. (13) I hope for this result on the ground of your former kindness to me; you remember that it was in consequence of an illness that I was led to become your Christian teacher, (14) but you did not consider the care of me at that time burdensome, but received and treated me with the greatest honour and deference. (15) How great is the change in you since that time when you would have made any sacrifice for me! (16) Do you now regard me as hostile to you because I urge you to loyalty to Christ? (17) The Jndaisers are courting your favour only that they may make you their partisans and supporters.

(18) Il est bon d'être l'objet de l'intérêt des autres pour une bonne cause – et cela à tout moment et pas seulement quand je suis avec vous. (19, 20) Je vous assure que mon désir que vous soyez modelés selon le modèle de Christ est intense ; et je voudrais bien vous rendre visite et adopter un ton moins censure dans l'espoir de vous reconquérir.

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