There is somewhat particularly interesting in the history to which these verses refer, and I would beg the Reader to mark it with me. If he will turn to the thirteenth chapter of the first book of the kings, he will read the history of those events, which the Lord, by the prophet there spoken of, predicted that Josiah himself should fulfil. And although it was at a distance of no less than 350 years from the time of the prediction to the accomplishment, yet so exact, and so particular was the correspondence of one to the other, as if it had been recorded in one and the same day.

Reader! doth it not warm your heart, the very thought of it? Oh! how delightful is this doctrine, considered as to the great object of all doctrine, the salvation by our Lord Jesus. He was set up from everlasting. And Paul tells us that the church also was chosen in him before the foundation of the world. See those precious scriptures to this effect: Proverbi 8:22; Michea 5:2; Efesini 1:4; 2 Timoteo 1:9.

In addition to the observations made in the Commentary, on this history of the prophet, 1 Re 13:1, I would only here add, that though the Lord was pleased, by way of example to the church, to punish that prophet's disobedience with temporary death; yet you observe here the Lord watched over his dust; and amidst the burning of the bones of others, his lay secure.

It is a part of the covenant to inflict the rod, by way of chastisement, for sin, but the everlasting salvation of the Lord's heritage is secured, from the Lord's righteousness. Salmi 89:30. What the old lying prophet proposed to himself, in being laid in the same sepulchre, I know not, but like another lying prophet, he thought, perhaps, the very dust of God's Israel a gracious preservative.

Numeri 23:10. Reader! think of this! And be assured no goldsmith ever prized the precious dust of the golden ore, equal to what Jesus doth the very ashes of his people. However, to your view, or my view, this may seem lost, and scattered, and mingled amidst the rubbish of the earth, or the bodies of the carnal, Jesus beholds every particle of his whole mystical body; and when he cometh to make up his jewels, will as easily gather them altogether, and reanimate, and cause them to rise up a glorified body, as he first called them out of the dust of the earth, when he breathed in their nostrils the breath of life.

Sweet thought. Oh! my soul, cherish it. Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints. Salmi 116:15.

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