Hawker's Poor man's commento
Daniele 11:5-45
If my Reader be more curious to make search into hidden things, than to turn over again and again those which the Lord hath revealed; I fear that he will not be pleased with the shortness I purpose to observe, in my Commentary on this Chapter, and in including almost the whole Chapter under one view. But my apology is this. Where the word of God is not very clear and plain, I humbly conceive, that the Lord's intuition is, in this obscurity, his people should humbly wait the explanation of prophecy, until that in the accomplishment, the thing predicted, by the event, be explained.
If (as some think) what is here said, hath already been fulfilled in the kingdoms of Persia and Greece; and since those periods, in Pagan Rome, and Papal Rome; there will need no further comment. But if there are yet remaining in those scriptures, things to be unfolded, I humbly conceive, they will only be so unfolded, agreeably to all the other prophecies of God, as the events predicted come forward.
One thing I beg the godly Reader to observe, how several circumstances respecting the Church of God, are incorporated and mixed up with the prophecies concerning other nations in this Chapter. Hence the Reader may notice what is said (Daniele 11:14) of the robbers of God's people. And in like manner ((Daniele 11:16), of the glorious land being consumed.
So again, Daniele 11:22, of the Prince of the covenant; and of the hatred of the enemies of God to the holy covenant, (Daniele 11:30; Daniele 11:30), of the pollution of the daily sacrifice and the sanctuary, and of taking away the daily sacrifice, and placing the abomination that maketh desolate, Daniele 11:31.
All these, and similar phrases, we may, without violence, safely apply to the destruction of the Jewish temple, after our Lord's ascension; and which Jesus himself foretold. Hence that memorable passage, Matteo 24:15. compared with Luca 21:20.
When ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the Prophet, stand in the holy place. But when we have paid all due respect to this explanatory passage of our Lord Jesus, and which, as far as it goes, becomes altogether satisfactory and decisive; we shall do right by this Chapter, to observe the same conduct, as was ordered to Daniel, in closing up his book of prophecy altogether.
Go thy way, Daniel, for the words are closed up, and sealed, to the time of the end. Daniele 12:9. Lord! cause both Writer and Reader, thus far to become wise in prophecy, and which is the wisest and truest improvement of the whole, to see that to Jesus give all the prophets witness, that through his Name, whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins. Atti degli Apostoli 10:43.