Hawker's Poor man's commento
Osea 2:21-22
Sono promesse dolcissime, sia in senso temporale, sia in senso spirituale; e tutto ratificato, e confermato, al credente, nella carta della grazia. Quando il Signore ha portato i peccatori in uno stato di salvezza, tutte le benedizioni primaverili inferiori e le misericordie primaverili superiori si riversano entrambe sull'anima. La figura qui usata, in quella di Dio che ascolta i cieli, e loro ascoltano la terra, è molto bella.
In times of drought and famine, the earth in vain looks to the heavens for their beneficial influences, if the Lord shuts them up. But when the Lord acts upon the heavens, and the heavens upon the earth; then there will be showers of blessings', the corn, and the wine, and the oil, shall abound, and the people of Jezreel shall be filled with plenty. The same holds good in grace. When the dry and famished souls of poor sinners are savingly brought acquainted with God's rich mercy in Christ, their heaven is no longer to them iron, and the earth brass, but, the Lord hears and answers the intercession of his dear Son; and while prayers are going up, blessings are coming down; and the Lord becomes gracious to his people. Such, and so great, is the wonderful change brought by sovereign, free, and unmerited grace!