This is that which in fact lies at the bottom of all our mercies, Jehovah's rich covenant in his threefold person of character, of redemption. The Lord's condescending to take Israel into covenant-relation with himself, in Christ, is the foundation, and the sum, and substance of the whole scheme of grace. Observe, it is God which saith, I will sow her into me in the earth. And it is God which first acknowledgeth Israel for his people, before that Israel acknowledgeth the Lord for his God.

It all begins in God, and ends in God. Jesus is both the Alpha and the Omega, the Author and Finisher of our salvation. And it is most blessed, indeed, when the soul is brought to see, and as cheerfully to delight and acknowledge, that the whole of redemption from beginning to end is of Jehovah, rich, free, and sovereign grace. Then the redeemed can and do in heart and soul join the hymn of heaven, when addressing God and the Lamb, thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood. Apocalisse 5:9


READER! ponder well the very many precious things contained in this blessed Chapter. It is all over gospel from one end to the other; and contains within its sacred bosom, that which always was, and always must be, the very, essence of gospel grace; namely, Jehovah's love to poor lost sinners, in the person, work, and righteousness of his dear Son, and their sure acceptance in him, through the infinite merits of his blood, and the covenant-faithfulness, of Jehovah.

Behold again and again, how all the mercies of salvation flows in and through this one most gracious channel, by our Lord Jesus Christ. Jehovah first calls, and calls most lovingly. Say ye to your brethren, Ammi, my people; and to your sisters, Ruhamah, beloved. Both sons and daughters are called upon: for Jehovah had promised in redemption-work, to call Christ's sons from far, and his daughters from the ends of the earth; therefore, here the Lord sends to call them, agreeably to his most sure promise.

And observe yet further; though the Lord was about to plead with them, and to tell them of their transgression, and the house of Jacob of their sins; yet the original covenant of redemption, founded in Christ before the world began; and consequently, before their fallen state, was not destroyed. Jehovah's love to his Church in Christ Jesus, Was founded in the ancient settlements of eternity; so that her after-fall in Adam did not prevent God's original purpose and grace, given in Christ Jesus before the world began.

Observe further, the gracious methods of divine love, in bringing his Israel unto him. The Lord hedges up the way with thorns, brings the soul into the wilderness; makes crosses spring out of our supposed comforts, and thus by the convictions of his Holy Spirit, compels the soul to return to her first Husband, because all else is vanity and vexation of Spirit. And when the Lord hath his infinite mercy accomplished the purposes of his grace; then the name of Jesus, husband, brother, friend, become sweet to the soul; and all the fulfillment of God's covenant engagements follow; the Lord acknowledges them for his people; and they acknowledge the Lord for their God.

Lettore! La tua conoscenza personale di queste cose rende questa Scrittura benedetta per il tuo stesso cuore? Dio si è così comportato con te? Ha davvero tolto dalla tua bocca i nomi dei Baalim? e Gesù è del tutto prezioso per la tua anima nella sua persona, opera e giustizia? Oh! quanto è veramente bello, quando la Parola di Dio corrisponde alla nostra esperienza; e mentre leggiamo la sacra testimonianza; siamo in grado di porre sul nostro sigillo che Dio è vero!

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