_Protezione, sospetto. Ebraico ayelet, hathuchar, o "per una pronta
interposizione", o soccorso. Vedi ver. 2, 20, 25. --- San Girolamo,
"il cervo del mattino". (Haydock) --- Molti dei titoli sono quasi
inesplicabili, e questo è uno dei più sconcertanti; (Calmet) ma non
serve alla comprensione del sa... [ Continua a leggere ]
_O Dio. Il nostro Salvatore ha ripetuto queste parole così come sono
in ebraico, sebbene la lingua volgare fosse siriaca, (calmata) o greca
mescolata con l'abameo. (Paulus) --- Eli (o Eloi, San Marco) lamma
sabacthani. Così pronunciò ciò che ora avrebbero letto gli ebrei,
Eli....lama (o lamach.; Tir... [ Continua a leggere ]
_Follia. Il mio grido non proviene da rabbia impotente, Luca iv. 28.
(Eusebio, Agel.) (Menochius) --- So che acconsentirai alla mia
richiesta. (Calma) --- Non piangerò invano. (Teodoreto) --- Non è
per la mia follia che soffro. (Geneb.) --- "Molti piangono e non
vengono ascoltati, ma è per loro vant... [ Continua a leggere ]
_In the, &c. Hebrew, "the Holy one inhabitest the praises of Israel,"
or "Thou holy, sancte, inhabitant, the praise," (St. Jerome) or, as
the plural intimates, the source and object of all "the praises of
Israel," (Haydock) and of the Church. (Worthington) --- This may be
connected with the precedin... [ Continua a leggere ]
_Confounded. He interests his Father, by calling to mind the ancient
patriarchs, (Ecclesiasticus ii. 11.; Berthier) who obtained their
requests. (Worthington)_... [ Continua a leggere ]
_No man. Hebrew ish, "a great man," vir, (Montanus) so far from being
treated as a nobleman, I am not even respected as one of the meanest
of men, ( adam.) (Haydock) --- "Why not a man?" says St. Augustine,
"because he is God. Why a worm? because a mortal, born of the flesh,
without generation." The... [ Continua a leggere ]
_All. This often denotes only the greatest number. (St. Jerome) ---
For surely the blessed Virgin, and some others, must be excepted.
(Haydock) --- But almost all joined in persecuting Christ,
(Worthington) while his disciples left him. (Calmet) --- These two
verses are quoted by the three first eva... [ Continua a leggere ]
_He hoped. Hebrew, "roll, or he (Calmet) rolled himself on the Lord."
(Protestants marginal note) --- But the text is conformable to ours.
"He trusted on," &c. St. Matthew xxvii. 43., He trusted in God, let
him deliver him now if he will have him. Ci, which is here rendered
quoniam, "since," (Haydoc... [ Continua a leggere ]
_Womb. David might say this as a figure of Christ, in consequence of
the many favours which he had received. (Theodoret) (Calmet) --- But
none could use these expressions with propriety, but Jesus Christ, who
had no man for his father, and who had the perfect use of reason, so
that he could call God... [ Continua a leggere ]
_Cast. This custom is noticed, (Genesis xxx. 3.) and frequently in
Homer. Thou art my only Father, (Calmet) as I am born miraculously,
and have been hitherto protected. I now suffer death, but thou wilt
raise me to life again, Psalm xv. 9. (Worthington)_... [ Continua a leggere ]
_Help. This Christ might say a little before he expired, foreseeing
the distress of his Church, (Calmet) or he might use these words in
his agony; (St. Jerome) as this agrees with the sequel. (Calmet) ---
Almost all have abandoned me; and those who would, are not able to
protect me. (Worthington)_... [ Continua a leggere ]
_Calves. The insolent Jews and soldiers. --- Bulls. The more
inveterate enemies, the priests and Pharisees. (St. Augustine, &c.)
--- Hebrew, "strong bulls of Basan," (Protestants) a fertile country
east of the Jordan, where the finest cattle were found, Amos iv. 1.
(Calmet)_... [ Continua a leggere ]
Christ's passion: and the conversion of the Gentiles.
_ As, is supplied by all the versions. (Berthier)_... [ Continua a leggere ]
_Water, in the agony, or on the cross, fainting away, Josue vii. 5.
--- Bones. In extreme pain, (Calmet) they have been dislocated.
(Haydock) --- The bones signify the apostles, who were scattered
through the world, to propagate the gospel. (St. Augustine) --- Heart.
Which lives and dies first, is n... [ Continua a leggere ]
_Jaws. So that he said, I thirst. (Berthier) (Worthington) --- He
would answer Pilate nothing in his own vindication. --- Death. The
region of blessed spirits, (St. Jerome) or into the grave, where other
bodies turn to dust. (Calmet)_... [ Continua a leggere ]
_Dogs. The pagan soldiers, who were instigated by the Jews, (Matthew
xv. 26.; Calmet) or the latter are here styled dogs, as they are by
St. Paul, Philippians iii. 2. (St. Jerome) --- The evangelists could
scarcely have explained the authors, and manner of our Saviour's death
more particularly; so t... [ Continua a leggere ]
_Essi. Ebraico, "Io racconterò o_ potrò _dire a tutte le mie ossa"
(Calmet) sono così dislocate. (Haydock) --- Siriaco, "le mie ossa
hanno ululato", come in lutto. (Calma) --- Su di me, per disprezzo,
(Eusebio) o per impedire la mia fuga, (Origene) o per deridere la mia
condizione di nudo. (Menochiu... [ Continua a leggere ]
_Veste, o indumento interno, che era tutto d'un pezzo. (Calma) --- I
soldati percepirono che sarebbe stato reso inservibile tagliandolo.
(Haydock) --- "Gli eretici tentano di dividere la Chiesa, ma invano."
(San Girolamo) --- Lotti. Ciò fu verificato più di 100 anni dopo,
nella persona di Gesù Crist... [ Continua a leggere ]
_Il tuo aiuto. Così si legge in alcune edizioni dei Settanta, ma san
Girolamo approva "il mio aiuto", come è nel Com. edizione, conforme
all'ebraico, (Calmet) che sembra più animata, sebbene il senso sia lo
stesso. (Berthier) --- L'umanità qui si rivolge alla natura divina,
per ottenere una rapida r... [ Continua a leggere ]
_Cane. Tutti i miei nemici sono uniti per perseguitarmi, nella mia
condizione desolata. Unicam meam, "il mio desolato ", l'anima, che è
l' unica cosa che dovrebbe fissare la nostra attenzione; poiché se lo
perdiamo, tutto è perduto. Questo solo, se stesso, è spesso,
tuttavia, il nemico più pericolos... [ Continua a leggere ]
_Bassezza. Questo senso sembra essere preferibile all'ebraico,
"ascoltami da", &c. (Calma) --- Eppure alcuni che rendono l'originale
letteralmente hanno "salvami dalla gola del leone e dalle corna degli
unicorni; tu mi hai ascoltato". Ciò sembra molto sorprendente,
poiché Cristo d'ora in poi raccont... [ Continua a leggere ]
_fratelli. Quindi Cristo definisce i suoi discepoli, principalmente
(Calmet) dopo la sua risurrezione, Matteo xxviii. 10., Giovanni XX.
17., ed Ebrei ii 11. San Paolo cita questo passaggio, che può
convincerci che questo salmo si riferisce solo al nostro Salvatore; e
ci informa che siamo fratelli di... [ Continua a leggere ]
_Paura. Così sono designati i convertiti gentili, Atti x. 2, 35 e
xiii. 16, 26._... [ Continua a leggere ]
_Israel. This may be something more general, as all the holy nation
went under this name. --- Supplication. Hebrew also, "the lowliness of
the afflicted." (Berthier) --- When I. Hebrew, Chaldean, and Syriac,
"he," (Calmet) Jesus, of whom the prophet speaks; (Berthier) though,
according to the Vulgat... [ Continua a leggere ]
_Great Church; the Catholic Church, dispersed throughout the world, in
which many adore God in spirit and truth. (St. Jerome) --- Here Jesus
Christ praises his Father by the mouth of his priests and faithful, in
whom the spirit works. Hebrew, "From thee shall proceed my praise," in
the great Church.... [ Continua a leggere ]
_Poor. Hebrew hanavim, means also, "quiet and modest men," such as our
Saviour calls poor in spirit, Matthew v. 3. These alone ought to
partake of the holy sacraments. (Haydock) --- The psalmist may allude
to the feasts prescribed by the law, (Deuteronomy xii. 7., and xxvi.
11.) and imitated in the... [ Continua a leggere ]
_Remember. Our Saviour says, Do this in remembrance of me. (Haydock)
--- We must recollect what Christ has suffered and done for us, what
was the condition of the world at his coming, and what the behaviour
of his first disciples. These reflections will surely fill our breasts
with love, admiration,... [ Continua a leggere ]
_Nations. God placed David on the throne. He caused both Jews and
Gentiles to submit to Jesus Christ, Matthew xxviii. 18., and Romans
iii. 29. (Theodoret)_... [ Continua a leggere ]
_Fat ones. Many ancient psalters read, "the rich," which is the true
sense. --- Adored. This may be take as a prediction. (Calmet) ---
Hebrew is in the future, "they shall," &c. (Berthier) --- The rich of
this world have no relish for the sacred nourishment. (Calmet) ---
Those who understand, and co... [ Continua a leggere ]
_Shall. Hebrew, "and his soul he will not vivify," which give no
distinct meaning. Some join it with the preceding, All shall
adore....yet he will not restore him to life. The living alone shall
be able to sound forth God's praises, as it is often observed, Psalm
vi. 6., and Isaias xxxviii. 18. (Cal... [ Continua a leggere ]
_To, or by the Lord, who opened the mouths of the prophets to foretell
the propagation of the Christian Church. (Calmet) --- Protestants, "It
shall be accounted to the Lord for a generation: They shall come and
shall declare," &c. (Haydock) --- Heavens is added by the Vulgate to
shew that the apostl... [ Continua a leggere ]