Remember. Our Saviour says, Do this in remembrance of me. (Haydock) --- We must recollect what Christ has suffered and done for us, what was the condition of the world at his coming, and what the behaviour of his first disciples. These reflections will surely fill our breasts with love, admiration, and shame. The first Christians met together to break bread, they preached to word, and brought many to the faith.

(Berthier) --- We cannot explain this of David, except in a very exaggerated sense. But all is clear if we understand it of Jesus Christ, whose faith many nations have embraced, assembling to celebrate his sacred mysteries, and the festivals of his birth, &c. (Calmet) --- The Gentiles shall enter into themselves, when they shall hear his doctrine, and embrace the true religion. (Worthington) --- In his. Hebrew, "in thy." The sense is the same. The German version follows the Vulgate, which Houbigant also approves. (Berthier)

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