Commento Cattolico di George Haydock
Salmi 21:30
Fat ones. Many ancient psalters read, "the rich," which is the true sense. --- Adored. This may be take as a prediction. (Calmet) --- Hebrew is in the future, "they shall," &c. (Berthier) --- The rich of this world have no relish for the sacred nourishment. (Calmet) --- Those who understand, and comply with their duty, amid the riches with which they are not possessed, but only surrounded, find the greatest comfort in participating of it along with their poorest brethren, who may be equal, or superior to them, in the eyes of the common judge.
The original dishnim, (Haydock) comes from a root, which signifies to reduce a victim to ashes, in testimony of approbation. It may here designate priests, as well as the rich, and princes. --- Earth. Dying, (Berthier) or to manifest their adoration in the Church. (Eusebius) --- All shall adore Jesus Christ, particularly those who receive his sacred body at the hour of death. Hebrew, "who go down to the dust." (Haydock)