Giacomo 1:25 . Chiunque esamina la perfetta legge della libertà, e continua in essa, non essendo un ascoltatore smemorato, ma un esecutore dell'opera, quest'uomo sarà benedetto nella sua azione .

Una PROFESSIONE di religione senza la pratica ci gioverà poco. Per quanto ovvia sia questa verità, bisogna insistere spesso su di essa. Anche ai tempi dell'apostolo c'erano molti che «professavano di conoscere Dio, mentre nelle opere lo rinnegavano». San Giacomo scrisse la sua epistola con uno sguardo più immediato a tali persone. Dice loro chiaramente che essi solo “ingannano se stessi [Nota: ver. 22.]:” ma afferma con altrettanta fiducia che il cristiano pratico sarà benedetto.


I. La descrizione dell'Apostolo del Vangelo —

Si pensa generalmente che il Vangelo sia un mero sistema di restrizioni
— Ma è, in verità, una “legge di libertà” —
[Ci trova sotto una schiavitù peggiore di quella egiziana; e proclama la libertà dal nostro giogo oppressivo [Nota: Isaia 61:1 .]. Offre il perdono a coloro che sono sotto la condanna della legge; e libertà dal peccato a coloro sui quali ha avuto dominio.

Ci salva dalla prigionia in cui ci ha tenuti Satana ; spezza le catene per le quali il mondo ha mantenuto il suo ascendente su di noi; e apre la via alla sfrenata osservanza dei santi doveri. È per i peccatori prigionieri ciò che era la tromba giubilare per gli ebrei ridotti in schiavitù [Nota: Levitico 25:9 .

]; ed effetti per l'anima carcerata ciò che l'angelo fece per Pietro [Nota: Atti degli Apostoli 12:7 .]. Questa libertà però la proclama con l'autorità di una “legge”. Non offre semplicemente ciò che possiamo alterare o rifiutare: è propriamente chiamato dall'Apostolo “la legge della fede.

Prescrive l'unico metodo possibile per ottenere la salvezza; dichiara che tutti i tentativi di scoprirne un altro saranno vani [Nota: 1 Corinzi 3:11 .]; e ci ingiunge di abbracciarlo a rischio delle nostre anime [Nota: 1 Giovanni 3:23 .]

È giustamente chiamata legge di libertà “perfetta” —
[Non si può aggiungere nulla ad essa per renderla più efficace: né i doveri cerimoniali né quelli morali possono affatto migliorare l'opera compiuta di Cristo [Nota: Galati 5:2 ; Galati 5:4 .]. Sarà anche del tutto annullato, se qualcosa gli sarà tolto .

Il sangue di Cristo, non una nostra opera, deve essere considerato come il prezzo della nostra redenzione [Nota: 1 Pietro 1:18 .]; e la stessa libertà deve essere ricevuta come dono di Dio mediante la fede [Nota: Efesini 2:8 .

]. The Gospel is perfect also with respect to its effects upon the conscience. The Mosaic sacrifices were little more than remembrances of sins [Note: Ebrei 10:3.]; but in the Gospel we have a sacrifice that takes away our sin [Note: Giovanni 1:29.

]. The soul, once purged by the Redeemer’s blood, is cleansed for ever [Note: Ebrei 10:14.]; and, once freed by his almighty grace, is free indeed [Note: Giovanni 8:36.]!]

This beautiful view of the Gospel will easily account for,


The regard which the Christian pays to it—

A man immured in a dungeon, would not treat with indifference a proclamation of pardon; nor can he who is in earnest about salvation, disregard the Gospel—
He endeavours to understand it—
[He does not inspect it to gratify a foolish curiosity: he searches into it with care and diligence. Like the Berζans of old, he maturely weighs its declarations [Note: Atti degli Apostoli 17:11.

], and “proves all things in it, that he may hold fast that which is good.” Even the angels themselves desire to investigate its mysteries: much more does he, who feels so great an interest in its contents. Nor does he do this in a transient manner, but with persevering diligence [Note: It is worthy of observation that as St. Peter, speaking of the angels, uses the word παρακύψαιin reference to the bending posture of the cherubims that were over the ark, 1 Pietro 1:12; so St.

James, speaking of the Christian, uses both παρακύψαςand παραμείνας, in reference to the continuance of the cherubims in that posture. The ark was an eminent type of Christ; in it was contained the law; and over it was placed the mercy-seat: overshadowing all, were the cherubims of glory; Ebrei 9:4.

These things were typical of evangelical truths; Ebrei 10:1. They represented God as reconciled to us through Christ, by whom the law was kept inviolate: compare Salmi 40:7. with Ebrei 10:7. And the cherubims represented, not angels only, but men also, as contemplating and searching into this stupendous mystery.]

He labours also to obey it—
[What he hears or reads is not suffered to escape his memory: he at least “gives earnest heed to it, lest at any time he should let it slip.” He cannot be satisfied to “see his face in a glass, and presently to forget what manner of man he was [Note: ver. 23, 24.].” he desires to have the word engraven on his heart, and transcribed into his life. When he hears of liberty, he feels a solicitude to obtain it; or, having obtained it, he strives to honour his almighty Deliverer.

He is well aware that his pretensions to faith must be supported by a suitable life and conversation [Note: Giacomo 2:17.]; and it is his determination, through grace, to shew forth his faith by his works.]

That he does not find it vain to serve God, will appear by considering,


The reward which he ensures to himself thereby—

The world suppose that the service of God is irksome and unprofitable; but the Christian can attest the contrary from his own experience—

In the very act of obeying he finds a rich reward—

[He can adopt, in reference to the law, the declaration of St. Paul [Note: Romani 7:22.]—. However strict the commandments be, he does not account them grievous [Note: 1 Giovanni 5:3.]: on the contrary, he feels “the ways of religion to be pleasantness and peace [Note: Proverbi 3:17.

].” His deliverance from impetuous passions is no small source of happiness: his exercise of benevolent affections greatly tranquillizes his mind [Note: Isaia 32:17.]. The testimony of his own conscience is a rich and continual feast [Note: 2 Corinzi 1:12.

]. Moreover God himself will vouchsafe to him delightful tokens of his approbation. He will shed abroad his love in the hearts of his faithful servants; He will lift upon them the light of his applauding countenance; and “seal them with the Spirit of promise, as the earnest of their inheritance.” Thus, in the most literal sense, is that expression realized [Note: Salmi 19:11.]; and the description, alluded to in the text, is abundantly verified [Note: Salmi 1:1.]

A still more glorious recompence also awaits him in the future world—
[Many are extremely cautious of asserting this truth. They are afraid lest they should be thought to be advocates for the doctrine of human merit; but there is no truth more clear than that our works shall be rewarded [Note: Romani 2:6.]. Nor does this at all interfere with the doctrines of grace.

Our persons and our services are equally accepted through Christ [Note: 1 Pietro 2:5.], and our happiness will be altogether the gift of God for his sake: but our works will assuredly be the measure of our reward [Note: 1 Corinzi 3:8.

], and we may with propriety be stimulated by the hope of a future recompence [Note: Ebrei 11:26.]. Let the Christian then know, that not the meanest of his services shall be forgotten [Note: Matteo 10:42.]; but that his weight of glory shall be proportioned to his services [Note: 2 Corinzi 4:17.]


The inconsiderate hearers—

[It is obvious that many hear the word without receiving any saving benefit. This is owing to their own carelessness and inattention. They are like the way-side hearers, from whom Satan catches away the word [Note: Matteo 13:19.]; but such hearers do not merely lose the blessings which the faithful Christian obtains.

If the word be not “a savour of life, it becomes a savour of death, to their souls.” O that all would remember the admonition once given to the Jews [Note: Giovanni 12:48.]—. Thus should they know the truth, and the truth should make them free [Note: Giovanni 8:32.]

2. The practical hearers—

[You have been brought from bondage to liberty, from darkness to light; and, doubtless, you experience the blessedness of doing the will of God. “Stand fast then in the liberty wherewith Christ has made you free;” “and be not entangled again with any yoke of bondage.” Shew that you consider God’s service as perfect freedom. Seek to have your very “thoughts brought into captivity to the obedience of Christ [Note: 2 Corinzi 10:5.

].” Thus shall your “peace flow down like a river;” and abundant treasures be laid up for you in the heavenly kingdom [Note: Matteo 6:20.]

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