For it seemed good to the Holy Ghost, and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things;

Ver. 28. For it seemed good to the Holy Ghost] That is only a lawful synod wherein the Holy Ghost is present and president. Nothing was resolved by the Trent fathers, but all in Rome; so that a blasphemous proverb was generally used, which I forbear to relate; let him that list read it in the Hist. of Council of Trent, tel. 497. See also fol. 822.

Than these necessary things] Not always and every way necessary (except that of fornication to be avoided), but necessary for preserving the peace of the Church as then it was, by bearing with the weaker Christians. Things inconvenient, even in matters of religion, may be done in some cases to redeem a far worse inconvenience. These burdens are here called necessary things, and they are said to do well, if they observed them,Atti degli Apostoli 15:29. See Trapp on " Act 16:3 "

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