Commento completo di John Trapp
Atti degli Apostoli 15:6
And the apostles and elders came together for to consider of this matter.
Ver. 6. And the apostles and elders, &c.] This was the first Christian council. The four following general councils, a Gregory the Great held of equal authority almost with the four Gospels. In posterioribus conciliis (saith Luther) nunquam de fide, sed semper de opinionibus et quaestionibus fuit disputatum: ut mihi conciliorum nomen pene tam suspectum et invisum sit quam nomen liberi arbitrii. He fitly compareth the recent Popish councils to the meeting of foxes, which, going about to sweep a room with their tails, raise dust, but rid none.
a Nicen., Constantinopol., Ephesinum, et Chalcedonense.