Commento completo di John Trapp
Genesi 15:1
After these things the word of the LORD came unto Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram: I [am] thy shield, [and] thy exceeding great reward.
Ver. 1. Fear not, Abram.] Either as Daniel feared upon sight of a like vision; Dan 10:7-8 or as Jacob feared after the sack of Shechem, lest he should be set upon by those whom he had lately discomfited. Or, fear not lest thou shalt die childless; which seemeth to be that which chiefly affrighted and afflicted him at this time. The heart is not in case to receive promises till freed of false fears. These are quelled and killed by faith only.
I am thy shield.] From the envy of thy neighbours, and enmity of others, whom thou hast lately vanquished: yea, I will deliver thee from all danger, as I have done from this. See a like promise to all believers, Salmi 115:9,11. The shield is between the body and the thrust; so is God between his and harm.
He "beareth them as on eagles' wings". Deu 32:11 The eagle fleeth with her young on her back; a there is no shooting them but through her body. No more can any devoratory evil, as Tertullian's phrase is, befall the saints, but through God.
And thy exceeding great reward.] So that thou shalt lose nothing by refusing the king of Sodom's offer. God is a liberal paymaster, and his retributions are more than bountiful. A hundredfold here, and heaven hereafter. Mat 19:29 Not only Caleb shall have Hebron for his valour, but Nebuchadnezzar shall have Egypt as his pay for his pains at Tyre. Never ask with Peter, What shall we have? Mat 19:27 You shall have whatever heart can wish, or need require.
The world gives hard wages; but God's reward is exceeding great. He will also recompense our losses for his sake, as the king of Poland did his noble servant Zelilaus; having lost his hand in his wars, he sent him a golden hand for it: so Gaius gave Agrippa, that had been imprisoned for his sake, a chain of gold as heavy as his chain of iron had been. b
a Aquilae pullos suos in alis portant; alites reliqui inter pedes. - Munster, in Scho. ex Rab. Salom.
b Cromerus.