And he said, Take now thy son, thine only [son] Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of.

Ver. 2. Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, &c.] This was the last of Abraham's ten trials, and the sorest. All our troubles to this are but as the stivers and chips of that cross upon which this good patriarch was crucified. Origen hence persuades parents to bear patiently the loss of their children. Laetus offer filium Deo, esto sacerdos animae filii tui ,& c. Abraham was not only to kill his only son (which yet was more than to have torn out his own heart with his own hands), but to cut him in pieces, to lay him orderly on the altar, after the manner of a sacrifice, and to burn him to ashes; himself making and tending the fire, and putting him in, piece after piece, when any was out.

A hard and heavy task: especially since it directly crossed the promise, that "in Isaac all nations of the earth should be blessed"; and seemed to involve the utter ruin of all mankind. Here, reason was at a stand. It was faith only that could extricate the perplexed patriarch, by giving him to know "that God was able to raise him up even from the dead". Heb 11:19 Hoc Abrahamum fecit αμεταπτωτον. This was it that kept him from tripping.

Entra nel paese di Moria. ] Entrambe le grandi tentazioni di Abramo iniziarono con un ceppo, Vade tibi , Vattene. Genesi 12:1 ; Gen 22:2 Qui Dio condusse Abramo in tentazione, ma lo liberò dal male. Non sei stato tentato, dice il sant'uomo, a in questo o in quel genere? Perché Dio, nella misericordia, non ti "condurrebbe in tentazione.

"Sì, questo è in qualche modo più da riconoscere della vittoria quando si è tentati. Perché non essere tentati è più immediato da Dio e meno in potenza dell'uomo che prevalere contro la tentazione. Poiché nulla ci vince contro la nostra volontà: ma senza la nostra volontà Dio ci conduce nelle prove: poiché sa che ne gusteremmo poco se potessimo essere i nostri stessi intagliatori.

lettere di Bain .

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