And it came to pass at the end of two full years, that Pharaoh dreamed: and, behold, he stood by the river.

Ver. 1. At the end of two full years.] After the butler was restored; by whose intercession Joseph hoped to have been presently delivered, but was fairly deceived. So are all such sure to be, as depend upon living men (never true to them that trust in them) or deceased saints to intercede for them to God. Deus O. M. pro ineffabili sua clementia dignetur, et in Tosterum Divo Kiliano intercessore, Amplitudinem tuam contra fidei et Ecclesiae hostes tueri fortiter, et fovere suaviter, saith Eckius, in a certain Espistle a to a Popish bishop. Such a prayer begs nothing but a denial, with a curse to boot.

a Epist. dedicat. ad Episcop. Herbipolens .

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