Commento completo di John Trapp
Geremia 24:2
One basket [had] very good figs, [even] like the figs [that are] first ripe: and the other basket [had] very naughty figs, which could not be eaten, they were so bad.
Ver. 2. One basket had very good figs.] Maturas et praecoquas, ripe and ready early, bursas melle plenas, as one once called such good figs, purses full of honey.
“ Ficus habet lactis nivei, rutilique saporem
Mellis, et ambrosiae similes cum nectare succos. ”
- Passerat.
The other basket had very naughty figs.] Sour and ill-tasted, because blasted, haply, or worm eaten, &c. Of the Athenians Plutarch a saith, that they were all very good or stark naught; no middle men: like as that country also produceth both the most excellent honey and the most deadly poison. Sure it is that non sunt media coram Deo, neque placet tepiditas, before God every man is either a good tree yielding good fruit, or an evil tree bearing evil fruit.
He that is not with Christ is against him. He acknowledgeth not a mediocrity, he detesteth an indifference in religion; hot or cold he wisheth men, and threateneth to "spue the lukewarm out of his mouth." Rev 3:15-16 The best that can be said of such neuter passives is that which Tacitus saith of Galba, Magis extra vitia quam cum virtutibus, that they are rather not vicious than virtuous; their goodness is merely negative.
The world crieth them up for right honest men, but God decrieth them for naught, stark naught; they may not be endured, they are so naught. See Luca 16:15 .
a In Vit. Dion.