And ye were now turned, and had done right in my sight, in proclaiming liberty every man to his neighbour; and ye had made a covenant before me in the house which is called by my name:

Ver. 15. And you were now turned.] Being frightened into a temporary reformation: but all was in hypocrisy, as now well appeareth. Falling stars were never but meteors.

In proclaiming liberty every one to his neighbour.] Your servants were your neighbours, and "their flesh as your flesh," Neh 5:5 and should have been so considered. In the law the servant paid the half shekel as well as his master. And in the gospel, as there is "neither Jew nor Greek, so neither bond nor free, but all are one in Christ Jesus," Gal 3:28 whether he be lord or lowlies. Servus est domini sui συναδελφος .

And ye had made a covenant before.] And have not all done so in baptism, that Beersheba, or Well of an oath?

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