Commento completo di John Trapp
Geremia 34:5
Geremia 34:5 [But] thou shalt die in peace: and with the burnings of thy fathers, the former kings which were before thee, so shall they burn [odours] for thee; and they will lament thee, [saying], Ah lord! for I have pronounced the word, saith the LORD.
Ver. 5. But thou shalt die in peace.] Yet not as his father Josiah did, in that peace of God, unless he amended his manners, for he was reckoned among the naughty figs.
And with the burnings of thy fathers, the former kings.] With the usual solemnities at the exequies of the better sort of kings: Nec una fuit veteribus sepeliendi ratio. See 2Ch 16:14; 2 Cronache 21:19. The Jews have a tradition that Nebuchadnezzar, upon a festival day, caused him to be brought out of prison, and so abused him before his princes to make them sport, that for shame and grief thereof he died soon after; and then Nebuchadnezzar, to make him some recompense, caused him to be honourably buried, suffering his former subjects to burn sweet odours and to bewail his death. a
And they will lament thee.] The dues of the dead are, honorifice lugeri et honeste sepeliri, to be honourably lamented and laid up; which yet is not granted to all good men, but heaven makes amends. Planctus haec fuit formula iuxta Seder Olam, Heu! quia mortuus est Rex Zedechias bibens faeces omnium cetatum; i.e., Luens peccata priorum saeculorum - interprete Genebrardo.
For I have pronounced the word.] Both the comminatory part of this message and the consolatory. But Zedekiah was so moved at the former that he regarded not the latter.
a Joseph. Antiq., lib. x. cap. 11.