They have gaped upon me with their mouth; they have smitten me upon the cheek reproachfully; they have gathered themselves together against me.

Ver. 10. They have gaped upon me with their mouth] They? who? Non solum Deus, nec solum amici mei, sed tota rerum machina mihi adversatur, Not God only, nor these friends of mine, but all the creatures are up in arms against me, and threateneth to devour me at one morsel.

They have smitten me upon the cheek reproachfully] i.e. They have done me all the disgrace that may be. See Lamentazioni 3:30 2 Corinzi 11:20,21 Mic 5:1 Giovanni 18:22.

Our Saviour was so served according to the letter; they gaped upon him, mowed at him, buffeted him on the face, gathered themselves together against him, as here. Hence some of the ancients call Job a figure and type of Christ, who was thus dealt with both literally and also figuratively.

They have gathered themselves together against me] Or, They have filled themselves upon me, as Esodo 15:7. They have taken their fill of pleasure at my miseries, as Tigurius rendereth it; or, They come upon me by full troops, so Broughton. Men are apt to agree for mischief Salmi 35:15; Salmi 83:5,7 .

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