God hath delivered me to the ungodly, and turned me over into the hands of the wicked.

Ver. 11. God hath delivered me to the ungodly] i.e. To the devil and his instruments, those Chaldean and Sabean robbers, Giobbe 1:15; Giobbe 1:17, together with his hard hearted friends, who, for want of the true fear of God, added to his afflictions, Giobbe 6:14. See Trapp on " Job 6:14 "

And turned me over, &c.] As a magistrate doth a malefactor to the executioner. It is a sore affliction to be under the rule of wicked men; much more to be under the rage, which yet was the case of that noble army of martyrs, ancient and modern. The comfort is, that although the Lord turn his servants over into the hands of the wicked, whose tender mercies are mere cruelties, yet he never turns them out of his own hand, neither will he suffer the rod of the wicked to rest upon the lot of the righteous, Salmi 125:3.

La sua costante cura è che gli spiriti scelti del suo popolo afflitto non vengano meno davanti a lui, e, quindi, ne conteggi i colpi, e se i loro nemici oltre fanno e vanno oltre il loro mandato, in modo da aiutare a portare avanti l'afflizione prima stabilita, è molto scontento, e geloso di una grande gelosia contro di loro, Zaccaria 1:15 .

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