And the princes of Issachar [were] with Deborah; even Issachar, and also Barak: he was sent on foot into the valley. For the divisions of Reuben [there were] great thoughts of heart.

Ver. 15. For the divisions of Reuben.] Who deserted their brethren in this war, there were great thoughts of heart, that is, great heart burnings and inward turmoil of discontent against them: they were very ill thought of, and hardly censured. Others, reading the words thus, In the divisions of Reuben, make this the sense, That the Reubenites are so divided among themselves, and cannot agree upon it to help their brethren against the common enemy; the true cause is their pride and haughtiness of spirit.

La verità è che l'orgoglio è un cimurro che divide. Le gambe gonfie e gonfie si tengono a distanza. Le vesciche gonfiate con il vento sprizza altro da un altro, non si chiuderanno; ma se li pungi, puoi metterne mille in una stanzetta. un

a Burr's Heart Divisions.

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