Commento completo di John Trapp
Salmi 10:15
Break thou the arm of the wicked and the evil [man]: seek out his wickedness [till] thou find none.
Ver. 15. Break thou the arm of the wicked] That arm that hath been lifted up against the godly. See Salmi 3:8; Salmi 58:7 .
Seek out his wickedness till thou find none] Ad alios vel inficiendos, vel infestandos, Ezechiele 23:48. Or, leave no sin of his unpunished. The Franciscans, to prove that Francis, the founder of their order, was without sin, foolishly allege this text, Quaeretur peccatum illius et non invenietur; wherein (according to the sense of the psalmist) what do they else but wish that God would trace him quite through the course and trade of his iniquities, even to the uttermost end of them, and punish him accordingly; which is done, no doubt, long since.