Commento completo di John Trapp
Salmi 10:17
LORD, thou hast heard the desire of the humble: thou wilt prepare their heart, thou wilt cause thine ear to hear:
Ver. 17. Lord, thou hast heard the desire of the humble] The whole life of a good Christian is a holy desire, saith Austin. And the desires of the righteous shall be satisfied, Proverbi 10:24, because they are framed by the Holy Spirit, according to the will of God, Romani 8:27, and they bare the mind of Christ, 1 Corinzi 2:16, who knoweth the mind of the Spirit, Romani 8:27, though their desires be not uttered, Romani 8:26 .
Thou wilt prepare their heart] In removendis ab illo mundi negotiis, saith R. David, and by putting them into a praying frame, and so fitting them for mercy. Where God giveth a praying heart it is sure that he will show a pitying heart. If he prepare the heart, he will also bend his ear; like as when we bid our children ask us for this or that, we mean to give it them; and as when we open a purse as wide as we can pull it, it is a sign we intend to fill it to the top.
Thou wilt cause thine ear to hear] Even while they are preparing, and before they can speak, many times, Isaia 65:24; or while they are praying, as Dan 9:20 Atti degli Apostoli 4:31, or not long after; they shall be sure to have out their prayers, either in money or in money's worth, as they say.