Commento completo di John Trapp
Salmi 10:4
The wicked, through the pride of his countenance, will not seek [after God]: God [is] not in all his thoughts.
Ver. 4. The wicked, through the pride of his countenance] That is, of his heart, appearing in his countenance, as a master pock in his forehead. For pride buddeth, Ezechiele 7:10; the pride of Israel testifieth to his face, Osea 5:5; the thoughts are oft seen in the countenance; and the heart is printed upon the face, Isaia 3:9. It is a hard thing, saith one, to have a brazen face and a broken heart.
Will not seek] He thinks it not necessary or worth the while; and his practice is agreeable, that is, naught all over. Pride in the soul is like a great swelling in the body, which, besides that it is a dangerous symptom, unfits it for any good service; and is apt to putrefy and to break, and to run with loathsome and foul matter. So doth pride disable the soul from doing duty, and at last breaketh forth into odious deeds, abominable to God and men. It is observed, that the ground whereon the peacock useth to sit is by that occasion made exceeding barren; so where pride roosteth and reigneth, no good groweth.
God is not in all his thoughts] God is neither in his head, as here, nor in his heart, Salmi 14:1, nor in his words, Salmi 12:4, nor in his ways, Tito 1:16; he is wholly without God in the world, Efesini 2:1,3, he studies atheism, and all his thoughts are, There is no God, so this text may be read, he would fain so persuade himself.